Make all dynamic data available for Attributes and Tooltips

I struggle with this since the beginning. I love working with dynamic data and many times that involves using Attributes to change the styling of an element based on the value of the Attribute for example.

Now I would like to show the terms of a custom taxonomy in a tooltip but unfortunately custom taxonomies are not supported at the moment.

Same goes with Attributes. I would like to give an element in a Query Template an attribute like: color="red" to be able to style the element based on this value. The value “red” comes also from a custom taxonomy and can’t be selected as a source at the moment.

Is there the possibility to make sure the available dynamic data sources are the same everywhere? So the data accessible in Show Conditions, Attributes, Tooltips, Paragraphs and so on is consistent?


I would also love to see this, along with localizing the ACF option pages and adding queries to the list.
I have mentioned this in THIS post.


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I want to add these two feature requests that are related to dynamic data:

  1. Dynamic Attribute: Source: »Taxonomy Query« missing
  2. ACF Label available for Attributes

Hi @Louis I would like to also request that this feature gets added please. I am working on a directory site where I am using lots of custom taxonomies - I am trying to load the taxonomy term name into a tooltip and I can’t because there are no dynamic taxonomy options available to me.
I also tried inputting the {termquery=name} dynamic tag, but the input field does not allow it in this case :cry:

I would like to add a different background color to each of my taxonomy terms, but I cannot assign the term ID to each term as a unique ID to be able to target it via CSS. Not via static (i.e. {termquery=term_id}) or dynamic attributes.

Alternatively, we cannot get an ACF color picker value from a term, as we cannot use {acffield=field_name} as a static attribute of a block under a Taxonomy Terms block. Dynamic attributes just offer the option to select a specific term or choose ‘Current Taxonomy Archive’. There is no dynamic ‘Current Term’ option.
Also see: Make {acffield=field_name} work in taxonomy terms

There is a solution for getting ACF values from taxonomy terms in the topic I mentioned in my previous post.