Ability to reorder global elements

The new global elements UI is fantastic and so much more flexible and full featured.

One thing missing is the ability to reorder or sort elements within their lists.

I am thinking of this both for the visual aspect and also for how they are output in the CSS.

This will really round out the usability of the UI.


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This will also implicitly resolve this older request:

+1 for all applicable areas in the UI.
I hope this gets finally addressed at some point.

Might be a good timing to get things rolling, as it’s quite important for Global Elements.


Hello @StrangeTech,

I’m sorry I missed this if you proposed it previously… Seems like a basic necessity with our new setup!

Re-ordering should automatically change the order in the output, so this shouldn’t be too much of an ordeal, hopefully we can see it in the next week.

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Absolutely, with the increasing consistency of the new UI, hopefully this will be a lot easier now.

Here are some other reordering feature requests:

Amazing, thank you @Louis


Thanks for listing those in one post!

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