Please make sure you backup your installation before updating to this latest release
New: Tailwind Integration →
New: Copy/Paste HTML to Cwicly blocks → Copy/Paste - Documentation
New: SVG block
Improvement: Component variations
Improvement: Cloud Design Library rework
Improvement: List properties available in Layout → Visual tab
Improvement: Update ACF Pro to 6.2.5
Fix: Template Part block → update to latest official recommendations
Fix: Modal block → logged-in condition was not being honoured
Fix: Slider block → slider would not operate correctly if gap property wasn’t specified
Fix: Remove force display:block; property from richtext editing to properly replicate frontend view on backend for richtext elements
Fix: Google Maps API key would not save correctly
Fix: WooCommerce → Exclude current would cause error
Fix: Hook block → action hook would not be called at the correct position
Fix: Gallery block → dynamic location value for ACF wasn’t properly processed
Fix: Range block → global colours would not apply in stylesheet
Fix: Nav block → animated trigger would not be accessible on backend when modal mode was active
Fix: Block CSS regeneration → custom breakpoints would not be honoured in certain circumstances
Fix: Removing a link in certain Cwicly blocks would not be possible
Fix: Global Classes → Advanced Tab now available for Custom CSS editing