
Please make sure you backup your installation before updating to this latest release

  • New: Custom breakpoints → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwS8P1ipKUw

  • Improvement: Overall editor performance

  • Improvement: Additional link options available for share action

  • Improvement: Class/ID → add notice if starts with integer

  • Fix: SCSS properly supported in Quick Code

  • Fix: Modal block → close modal when hashed URL is clicked

  • Fix: Frontend Rendering → certain locations would not load

  • Fix: Frontend Rendering → Terms query taxonomy URL would not apply

  • Fix: Frontend Rendering → display ACF checkbox fields

  • Fix: Getting started wizard → toggling Gutenberg styles was not saved

  • Fix: Themer → condition toggle for Footer fragment did not reflect in “active” state

  • Fix: Colour picker would crash if invalid colour was input

  • Fix: Menu block → icon colour would not apply

  • Fix: Margin left and right values would not display when in the Design panel

  • Fix: Grid editor → it wasn’t possible to remove items and areas on breakpoints that were inheriting values

  • Fix: Block attributes → post ID was not displayed on frontend

  • Fix: Button block → disable position property when editing a global class

  • Fix: Components properties → show default value in customiser on select element

  • Fix: Block attributes → dynamic post ID would not be displayed

  • Fix: WooCommerce → out of stock variations would still be selectable in swatch

  • Fix: WooCommerce → templates can now be applied to custom product taxonomies

  • Fix: WooCommerce → variations would not display if all attributes weren’t in use

  • Fix: WooCommerce → same type variations would be duplicated in general swatch types

  • Fix: Query block → Product query didn’t show the menu_order value for orderby property