The future of Cwicly

Man calm down a bit. You didn’t get response for what? 10 days?! If they would do a holiday you wouldn’t receive response in that time either. Expecting a team of a software which is about 200€ a year to respond within a day is crazy. Keep the situation in mind, they definitely had other struggles than you who couldn’t setup filters (sorry for the offense words here, but that’s the truth), which is obviously not a bug but a question for helping out. Maybe cwicly is not the right tool for your skillset then?!


Did you even read my post?

4th of June.

That is five weeks. Not ten days.

I’ve never stated I expected a response within a day. Spare your strawman fallacies for another time.

@Louis , thanks for coming back.
full support to the team from my side - I look forward to your return.
Can we maybe expect a roadmap with possible new features in the future?

Thanks to everyone for their positive responses, much appreciated. I’ll be going into more detail in the coming weeks on what this new chapter for Cwicly will bring.

This is not true. The discourse was closed for a week or so, and our support team was available all throughout this period, keeping communication open at any moment for our users.

Please feel free to open a new thread if you want to continue this conversation, as I believe the focus has shifted from the original subject at hand.

Thanks for your post, @marc.

I understand there are uncertainties that need to be resolved for our users to make informed decisions.

We will no longer generate revenue from selling Cwicly licenses. Instead, transitioning to a free or open-source model will enable us to adopt a new revenue strategy.

Maintenance, patches and support are already funded for the next few years.

As for new features and improvements, the success of this transition will determine our ability to develop them. It would be misleading to claim a 100% guarantee, as multiple factors are involved. This uncertainty may influence your decision to build with Cwicly in the future, but I prefer being transparent here.

The next few months should provide a clear indication of this transformation.

Hello @antonijo01,

The focus for the next few months will be addressing the main bugs that are still apparent in Cwicly. We’ll also be reviewing the onboarding process as well as reviewing the design library content. Tailwind and components will also be the main focus during this time.


Hi Louis

I shoot you a DM if you don’t mind.

To regain a sufficient level of trust, open-sourcing it is the only way. Making it only free isn’t enough imho, as this changes nothing really.
At this point, even internal structural changes might not be sufficient, unless a very trustable 3rd party joins (in equal shares).

If there is an actual concept that has been put together and which also has the potential to succeed, but also can convince the (to my surprise bigger than expected) remaining community, you should deeply involve the users with a dedicated community concept.
This won’t work out without pulling together. The community was always special, so please don’t miss out this important opportunity.

Users who appreciate this tool and rely on it, will show love.
100% transparency and honesty is required, otherwise nothing has changed since March 3rd.

Also, there are some important points that need to be addressed. Make it suitable for the masses.
For example, the unusual UI is a massive pain point for new users. It’s too overwhelming in the beginning, the accessibility level is non-existent. Just give them the clunky and unproductive UI they were begging for ages. Later, after getting used to Cwicly in general, many will appreciate the current UI.
This, beside the missing LTD, was one of the biggest hurdles for potential users to get started.

Involve the community at any stages, maybe even when it comes to monetization.
I presume Cwicly only has a potential future with active development when things start to get traction immediately with a reasonable and sufficient pace.

I wish you, the entire team, all the best for this new journey to succeed.
And who knows - maybe our paths will cross again in one or another way.
Definitely following the progress.


I’m happy to hear there are plans for the future of Cwicly. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m super fine with the current UI as well. I only miss sometimes a label, or a notice explaining how some features are supposed to work.
There are still icons that in my opinion don’t reflect the action they are supposed to indicate. However, I much prefer this concise UI than having to scroll and open multiple sections in a flat and unoptimizex UI without any sense of hierarchy and spacing that the Block editor originally offers.

Trust doesn’t happen over night. When you break it, it takes longer to regain it. Only time, and actions will tell. As for expectations, I do think they need to be managed here. We need to know at least what’s coming until the end of the year. Doesn’t need to be detailed. Just a concise plan of action. The problem here is that we now don’t know if we can trust and invest our time in a tool that may change course again soon.

As for the complaints, they are all valid to a point. However, crying the spilled milk won’t make it go back to the glass. So insisting in the same complaints is completely unnecessary, and quite honestly starting to get annoying. We reached a point where these complaints don’t make any more sense. There seems to be no solution for them. They are all based on what happened in the past, and it sounds like no matter what solutions are given, it won’t make any difference. It’s just a complaint to say how an action hurt you. And we all got it already. You’re hurt. We understand your frustration, you made valid points, and we all hope things get better for now. Let’s move on, and yes, hold the Cwicly team accountable going forward. But please… Pretty please, go wash your dirty laundry in private.



Thank you for shedding a bit more light on the plan for Cwicly, the clarity helps, and I think many people are happy to see a path forward for Cwicly.

It will be great if the road forward is smoother for us all.

Amazing news to hear Cwicly is back. Sounds like a good plan. The product is simply too good to let it die. I ran back to Cwicly after trying Bricks.

This is definitely a real head scratcher for sure. Things have gone a complete 360°. But the trust factor is something that’s going to take a lot more than 360°. Time will tell and hopefully Lewis and crew will prove themselves worthy of that trust in the future. I mean even now I don’t have access to support when I login to my account. When I click the link it goes nowhere?

This is probably due to your device configuration.
Clicking the link should open your default email app, or a dialogue to choose one from a list.

You can reach out via:

Thanks :ok_hand: I changed my browser and the dialogue opened. I’m going to stop using Brave browser. Too many problems with sites

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Although I am glad about the news. I don’t understand the plan. Maybe it’s because not all information was shared. But it certainly does not sound good to me, at least for the moment.

Being available for free on WordPress directory means that the team will need to address possible security and compatibility issues anyway. So I wonder why am I paying for a yearly license :confused: . Is it only for the bundled ACF Pro? Will there be a premium version?

Just my thoughts for the moment. I hope there will be clearer information soon.

youtube live sometime next week Louis? So we can welcome you back :slight_smile:


Hi Louis, I am happy to see the renewed activity and introduction of a free version.

I downloaded the free version and thought perhaps new users would need or benefit from the Cwicly theme as well.

Since there is something of a reset, perhaps a more traditional free / paid model might make sense? For example, a free version without custom field support, the role editor, and Tailwind and a premium version that includes them.

Best regards


I think there is more room to think here to create something new for premium users. Like integration with Figma. Or advanced integration with custom fields like JetEngine, Metabox. Maybe even data output from API. Animation modules. I don’t know: something new, more than what exists on the market now.

Maybe it makes sense to open up the API to other developers to broaden the base. Fill it with ready-made templates. Give premium users the ability to save to the cloud.

The plugin in its current form creates a rift in the builder market, and that’s cool. It will create a new level of competition.


In my experience, Cwicly works with any Block-based theme. But it would be nice to have the Cwicly theme available in the repository. It’s a barebones, super light, block-based theme. I think this is a great suggestion!


It is lovely to see so many commenting in here. Many of us would indeed be tempted to come back to Cwicly. It will take time to establish trust. Hopefully a third party as @Marius suggested would help with stability. We must remember even Bricks is a one man show which is susceptible to the human condition.

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Incredible news :fire:

Yes, we need an understanding of what will happen next, so we are waiting.

Louis and team, your instrument is still the best even with the head start you gave them, I hope that the new stage will be stable for everyone :heart:


Bricks is not a one-man show. They have a small team too.