The future of Cwicly

They can have a team of 1000 @jornes.
It’s still a One-Man-Show, when a single individual owns and controls the entire thing.
That’s what the whole problem is about.

There needs to be more transparency in that regard.
Cwicly, for example, stated multiple times that there is a Plan B in place, even for worst case.

Everything stands and falls with trust, and only with trust.
And that is not a solid foundation when livelihoods depend on it.

It is paradoxical anyway, since most users explicitly use WordPress to avoid third-party dependencies and to benefit fundamentally from the licensing approach.
Only to end up completely dependent again.

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I like it is a small team or one man show. Cwicly would not be Cwickly if not, that is what makes it uniqe, one man`s vision. We get focused development, bugfixes and updates as fast as I have never seen before. Being a big corporation does not guarantee anything. I hope the captain of the ship will continue his set course.


Fully agree with every single word.
There need to be some layers of insurance though.
But I’m quite confident they’ll check these boxes as well.

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@jornes Thomas directly stated in a live stream with WPTuts that he is the sole developer, that is what I was referring to.

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