The future of Cwicly

Would you mind sharing where this information comes from?
We have continued to reply to support inquiries since our first notice.

Iā€™d love to share my experience.

I emailed support twice on the 4th of June regarding two separate issues, but I did not hear back. I emailed you once again on the 10th of June without a reply. On the 12th of June, I emailed without receiving an answer.

On the 17th of June, I tagged you in a post here on Discourse: The future of Cwicly - #66 by kgeee

I also created a new post seeking help: I need a paid Cwicly expert - #3 by kgeee

Hello @kgeee,

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Iā€™ll check with the support team to see why your emails didnā€™t get responses. I do apologise for this.

I did miss your tagging me, as my notification pile has been flooded with loads of messages etc.

Hi Louis,

It doesnā€™t matter to me. I will not be using Cwicly for any future projects. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how you and your team can ignore a post like this: I need a paid Cwicly expert - #3 by kgeee

Just know one thing: not being able to deliver a project to a client is extremely stressful.

Hello @kgeee,

I appreciate your reply.

I see that your support request had been addressed by @JohnD who provided possible avenues of solutions several months before but didnā€™t follow up on your last messages.

I believe this is why it didnā€™t get a response from the team (although incorrect) since your reply was added the same day.

My apologies once again.
Sorry to hear you wonā€™t be considering Cwicly.

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He did indeed. But the solution had drawbacks, which is why I wanted to revisit it. Also, youā€™re not addressing the other issue I raised regarding global styles, for which I never received an answer either.

Just to make sure I am on the same page: Your strategy for providing support for your customers is not to answer their emails, wait for them to create a thread asking for PAID help, and then wait for someone else to come along and solve the issues for you? Louis, this is beyond ridiculous. Iā€™m not sure if this is some sort of damage control, but youā€™re being quite condescending. I tried contacting you through multiple channels multiple times throughout a month. You had plenty of opportunities to reach out.

Chill out man. Youā€™re overreacting. There is no condescending word from Louis answers here. Youā€™re stressed and frustrated, and this might be clouding your judgment. Best to take a step back, breath, and come back when youā€™re not hot headed.


I wrote to on the 4th of June. It wasnā€™t until 13 days later that I created a topic on Discourse, and a further two days later, I wrote that the matter was solved. This does not explain why I did not hear back from Cwicly support, why they did not react to the topic on Discourse when it was created, or why they didnā€™t at least get back to me acknowledging that the issue was solved.

Additionally, there were two separate issues. My topic seeking help was regarding the filter section. Even if the support staff considered this issue solved, it still doesnā€™t explain why I did not hear back about the other issue. Louis is deflecting and downplaying the issue here.

Choosing a Page Builder is not like choosing web hosting. You cannot easily switch to another vendor. I donā€™t believe Cwicly has acted responsibly. They closed the Discourse without any notice as well, leaving no way to reach them. Giving paying customers the silent treatment shows a lack of understanding of the gravity of doing paid client work with their tool.

I am not hot-headed. I am truly sorry about the demise of this promising tool. Communication is everything, and Cwicly has simply not been up to the task.

This is an over reaction. We donā€™t know what Louis is dealing with and the stress the Cwicly project may have caused. In the end he is only human. No one is perfect.

If some sort of issue is holding him and his support team from helping their customers, the least they could do is to communicate clearly so we can take action accordingly. This is business. Itā€™s not a social project.

Hello @kgeee,

I understand where you are coming from. Our support has been slow for the last couple of months with some tickets not being answered, Iā€™m now aware of that.

The team will get in contact with you soon.
Thanks for following up.


Hi Louis. Itā€™s fine. Iā€™ve moved on, but thanks for the offer.

As I wrote earlier it sadness me that Cwicly has discontinued development and it confuses me you went from this:

After much deliberation and soul-searching, I have made the difficult decision to discontinue the development of the Cwicly plugin.

To this:

With Cwicly making its way to the directory, we also plan to add a few more features/improvements also.

I truly think this whole ordeal has been a big mess. I wish you would have communicated clearly and timely. I can sense something is off and I wonā€™t bother you with any more messages. I truly wish you the best.

@Louis thank you for giving Cwicly life again. I was hoping you would. After all this time I have yet to find a replacement as good as.

Ignored all the negative comments. There are plenty of us who love Cwicly and would love to see it thrive and succeed. Negativity will always be part of business. You shake it off and move on.

I got Cwicly as an Appsumo deal and I am ok with making it free to the public if it means that Cwicly will live for a long time.

Next time when you feel overwhelm by the negativity of the community, life, etc. just take a break and recharge. We are all humans and need a break from time to time.

#MakeCwiclyGreatAgain :grin:



Iā€™m incredibly happy to see it getting updates again! We contemplated moving off of Cwicly, tried out three of the next best competitors, looked at each other, rethought our life decisions, and made the entirely rational decision to wait awhile and hope things improved. Now they have!!! Thank you again!!!

   (scrounging for exclamation points),


I second the advice to ignore random negativity!


one of most exciting thing this year!

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Hi @Louis!

Iā€™m truly very happy to hear from you again!

Like @hopscotch I explored a combination of Bricks and ACSS as a possible alternative to Cwicly. Every single day I have to work with these tools I miss Cwicly. Bricks is a good tool but while I found countless things that Cwicly does a lot better I indeed found none that Bricks does better.

To this day I hoped to see some sort of come back and continued to use Cwicly for some smaller projects. I mean I think you know best what you created with Cwicly but take it from a happy customer: You created a software that is so beautifully thought through, every single feature. The Nav builder (there is no comparison), Components, Font Manager, ACF integration and dynamic data, Color management, Relative styling (I really missed this while using Bricks) and so on. Not to mention the unique UI which is beautiful and incredibly efficient to work with.

I still hope to see Cwicly getting the success and praise it deserves! I wish you and the team all the very best!


@Jonas I completely agree. With Bricks which is an excellent tool to be remotely comparable I had to purchase several additional plugins. When I work on my previous Cwicly sites, its a delight. I do hope there is a future for Cwicly.


@Louis this was such a pleasant surprise, made my day! :heart_eyes:

Thereā€™s nothing Iā€™d love more than using cwicly for all my future projects ā€“ Iā€™m missing cwicly every day I work with Bricks.

The only thing thatā€™s preventing me from immediately switching back to cwicly (which, again, is 1000% my preferred option) is uncertainty about future updates. Iā€™m super glad to hear that youā€™re planning to provide compatibility updates, security patches and so on even after 2025, but the more I think about it the bigger the question ā€œhow will Louis and the team be able to finance all that?ā€ becomes in my head.

Iā€™m struggling to understand how youā€™re planning to make it financially sustainable for you and the team to invest all that time & energy without a substantial revenue from paid subscriptions ā€“ especially now that youā€™re releasing cwicly for free. As an outsider itā€™s hard for me to see how this can be a sustainable business model for you.

It would be super helpful to get your perspective here. Iā€™m about to start a couple Wordpress projects and Iā€™d LOVE to build them using cwicly, but Iā€™m worried that in a couple years you simply wonā€™t have the financial resources to keep providing compatibility updates and security patches. I know you promised these updates and patches for 2025 and onwards, but if at some point you thereā€™s no money left, then you wonā€™t be able to do that.

Iā€™m not asking you to lay out your entire finance plan, of course, Iā€™m just trying to manage my own expectations towards cwicly. To what degree can I truly, realistically rely on cwicly for building websites that Iā€™ll be maintaining for at least 3-5 years? How will the cwicly team manage to stick around for that long without any new revenue?

Again, I love building sites with cwicly and I want to keep doing it. Iā€™m not asking these questions to criticise cwicly or the team in any way. Iā€™m simply faced with an important business decision here and Iā€™m missing a crucial piece of the puzzle to be able to make that decision.

So if thereā€™s any more details you can share with us, Louis, I would appreciate it very much :slight_smile:


Calling it random negativity can only lead me to the conclusion that you do not understand the issue at hand.

Iā€™m not sure why you would even call it random. Iā€™ve been very specific in my criticism. If you bother to read the thread, Louis also recognizes that support not only has been slow but has also completely stopped responding to inquiries.

I donā€™t know what you use Cwicly for, but I use it as a tool to make money creating web pages for clients. Thatā€™s how I feed my family.

Cwicly support stopped responding, they closed Discourse, disabled Facebook comments, and removed any chance of getting in touch with them.

Criticizing Cwicly for not living up to their commitment to providing continuous support and leaving their customers in the dark is not random negativity.

Anyway, too much time is spent ranting. As I wrote earlier I wish Louis and his team all the best.

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