The future of Cwicly

Hello everyone,

I wish to clarify certain matters with you regarding the future of Cwicly.

We have refunded newly subscribed clients (since January 2024) who have made a request at

All Cwicly users with an active account on March 3, 2024, will receive ongoing access to bug fixes, potential security vulnerability patches, and WordPress compatibility until the conclusion of 2024, regardless of their renewal dates.
Subscriptions will not automatically be renewed, but use and updates of the Cwicly plugin will be extended until the end of 2024 at no additional cost.

Subsequent to this period, commencing from 2025 onwards, we will offer maintenance plans for those users who wish to continue to benefit from Cwicly updates, contingent upon your tier level, at a discounted rate, as no new features will be introduced.
This measure ensures the sustainability of current and prospective websites built with Cwicly.
Details regarding these plans will be made available prior to year-end.

Lifetime holders will continue to enjoy maintenance benefits and access to the Cwicly plugin at no additional charge.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.



Hi~ @Louis
Thanks for this announcement! It looks like you are not making Cwicly completely dead.
About the maintenance plans, what sort of maintenance about?

Best regards,

Thank you for this information, can you tell us how we can manage our licenses? I have some licenses that are associated with old staging sites that i need to delete. to free them up for new staging and testing. But since we cant login I am not sure how to do this. Currently the two active sites are, and if you would be so kind as to free up any other licenses or provide a way for us to do it ourselves again that would be appreciated. @Louis @Araminta

May I know if you are referring to you can’t log in to the Cwicly dashboard, or the sites?

P/S: If you are referring to the Cwicly dashboard, I just did and can access it.

Dashboard - Cwicly

I can log into the dashboard.

Happy to hear your promising announcement.

Cwicly is powerful enough to stay in the market just as it is, without even adding new features, so I will keep using it as long as its compatibility and security are ensured.

I appreciate it.

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I just tried again and now i am in.

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I’m so happy to read you again @Louis !!!
And happy too with what I’m reading!!!
It’s unfortunate, however, that you only communicated in this way instead of announcing the end of Cwicly.
With the years of lead you’ve got over your competitors, you could simply have announced a break in development and the addition of new features before announcing a premature end. We would certainly have welcomed such an announcement.
Your last words reassure me about the future for all of us, the users of Cwicly.

I’d also like to be reassured about your future and that of your team, and especially if everyone is doing well at the moment.
I hope you’ve seen all the love we have for you all on the various networks, and I’m also sorry that we didn’t show it to you sooner. Unfortunately, it’s when we lose something or someone that we realise that we haven’t shown them all our love.
I’m counting on you to pass on the message to everyone involved in the development of our favourite tool.
I feel like I’ve found a friend again that I thought I’d lost forever.
Sorry for my broken English again


Hey @Louis, I hope you’re doing well.

Is there any possible avenue in which Cwicly does receive future feature updates?

Whether via partnership, new hire, acquisition, open source etc.

Is that something you would consider in any regard? Or is the team strictly set on capping a potential future?


Thank you Louise, i can’t express how happy i am to hear from you and that not all is lost. I welcome your decision to keep cwicly alive, so we all can continue using what we love. Thanks again, sending much love and support to the whole team!!


I’d go ahead to say that if there’s no future for Cwicly because of many reasons surrounding this incident, I’m pretty sure a good portion of Cwicly fans is ready to support the team’s next venture in web dev/design, whether it’s going to be WordPress or another platform altogether (though it’d be good if it’s WordPress, because it’s an open source platform and tbh, Cwicly’s progress so far is lightyears ahead of the immediate competition).

Please keep us updated on your next project :pray: wishing you, your team and your family all the best. :heart:

Hang in there Sunny, if anybody deserves a stake in Cwicly’s future, it’s you. You’d have the full support from the community, and I have no doubt that under your leadership Cwicly would have a bright future.


Hi Louis,

Thank you for the update and I hope the entire team is doing well.

I particularly appreciated the native integration of Tailwind CSS into your builder, I think it’s really a game changer in the Wordpress ecosystem.

In order to clear up any confusion, could we consider potential support for the upcoming version 4 of Tailwind CSS?

Hello @omarb,

We do plan to support Tailwind v4.



Thanks Louis for the clarification regarding the future of Cwicly. Personally I am going to support Cwicly through every twist and turn it may encounter. The plugin and the team behind deserves the utmost respect. :hugs:


When you have a free moment @Louis, would you be so kind to answer these questions?
Many of us are paralyzed because of missing details, and are waiting for clarification to make informed decisions.

Thank you in advance.


interesting read, and a different perspective, especially on users and expectations, and profitable plugin business, and maybe a glimpse of a possible future:

Hello @sunny,

There are no significant features planned for Cwicly and there are no plans for new features to be implemented by a third-party.

As stated before, Cwicly will be maintained as far as bug fixes, potential security vulnerability patches, and WordPress compatibility.

Hope that clarifies things.
