Slide sizing

A little help with sizing and image in a slide. I’ve tried adding manual px dimensions in the Column, Slider, Slide, and Image. Had the image is a div too and couldn’t get it to fill out the box/space labeled ‘A’.

Can someone guide me to the right structure I need to get the image to fill out the space?

Thank you.

What are you trying to build?
What purpose does the image serve?
What’s the content inside the slide? Only the image?

Hey Marius-

Just a simple image carousel, and yes, just the simple carousel. I am playing around with different builders and in that process, rebuilding some pages. I am trying to set up a image carousel like this one,

I will quickly set up something similar tomorrow and share a file which you just can import by dragging it on your canvas.

So you get a better idea of the structure and design.

In case there is no response within the next 24 hours, don’t hesitate to ping me here and give me a reminder :wink:

Hello @stranflow,

Please check the slider settings.
The default is set to show 3 slides per view, which explains why your Slide is only taking up 1/3 of the Slider width.

Please let me know if that helps.

That’s exactly what that was! Consider changing it to a default of one, since a user would want to style and size one item first before adding others?

Thank you for being so responsive.

I roughly recreated that section but just found out you already got the solution.

In case anyone is interested, I’ll provide a download link.


Marius, I’d appreciate a download link!

Thank you. Have a great weekend.

Here you go @stranflow

Let me know if you face any issues.

Thank you!
Sorting through your example.

It’s a bug which is pretty annoying.
Set your div that contains your BG image to overflow hidden. Should fix it.
The reason why your BG image isn’t at the very bottom, is the section padding.
Just remove it and you should be good.

FYI, this is public.

Ah, I thought I had messaged you directly after the first thread. I’ll move there, and clear messages. Will give that a shot. Thanks. When is your website coming?!

No worries.

Just let me know if you want me to remove my post as well (partially or entirely).

What website are you referring to? ?
It was part of the link you sent in one of your sample codes.

Using several subdomains for different purposes.
No plans for a website right now on this domain.
But rest assured, if that ever will be the case and it’s WP based, Cwicly will be my 1st choice :wink:

@Marius how do you export a page into that importable format?

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Forgot to mention you, so not sure if you’ve been notified @beleancristian.
Hope that’s what you’re looking for.

You can do that also per block basis:


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Thank you @Marius. I was hoping for a full page export into a file but this will do :slight_smile:

edit: now I have read the above comment :))))
Thank you.

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