Related and Taxonomy Front End Image Loading Issue in Cwicly – Possible Bug

Dear Support Team,

I am writing to report a potential bug in Cwicly, which I’ve been grappling with for three days straight. Details of my ongoing struggle with this issue can be found in my previous communications (see attached link).

Issue Description: In every Single Page Template and Query, images from related posts or taxonomies are not loading correctly, only appearing as placeholders or grey boxes. Despite extensive efforts – trying various settings, consulting documentation, engaging with the community on forums and Facebook, and deactivating all other plugins – the problem persists.

Request for Specific Guidance: As a newcomer to Cwicly, I’m concerned I might be missing a crucial setup step. Therefore, I am seeking detailed instructions, especially regarding the correct configuration of primary settings in Cwicly Settings and User Role Settings. Please refer to my specific use case scenario Link: Queries in Cwicly Using ACF Bi-directional Relationships for more context. My goal is to confirm whether this issue stems from a user error or is indeed a bug.

Also, at this point i really need to find a solution quickly, so if there is someone i can pay to help me i would be open to that as well. I just need to get this issue worked out soon so i can continue on with my build. Thank you so much for your beautiful product, it is truly impressive.