Wp Gridbuilder cwicly quiry filter

1- I’m trying to set wp gridbuilder to filter cwicly post query .
according to there documentation.

we need to add the query argument wp_grid_builder set to wpgb-content as following

$the_query_1 = new WP_Query(
		'post_type'       => 'post',
		'posts_per_page'  => 10,
		'wp_grid_builder' => 'wpgb-content',

the problem that the code tab in query editor is read only so I can’t add the query argument .

how can I solve the issue please , a hook or a if no ability to hook by a function then where to find the code in cwicly to edit .

2- I couldn’t find a way to exclude child taxonomy from taxonomy term block or even the query block while loop the taxoomies .
is there an option or a trick to do that.

any help please, or should I contact the support directly.


Why do you want to use WP Grid? Is there any specific reason? cwicly has in built Filter block.

Hello @battarov,

I’ve seen your post and will be taking a closer look in the coming days with - hopefully - a solution in the coming updates.

Please bear with me and thanks for your patience.

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there is no date picker filter in cwicly and it is important for my project to filter by date .

I have asked to add the date filter in cwicly a month ago but maybe its not that easy or there are some more urgent features to implement by the team.

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thanks , awaiting your replay .

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Solved by Gridbuilder support as following by adding [wpgb_query id=“wpgb-content”] shortcode in a shortcode block exactly above the query block , that will eliminate the need of adding ‘wp_grid_builder’ => ‘wpgb-content’, to the query argument in php.

also we must add “wpgb-content” as a css class for the query template element , and the grid name in facet shortcode to be the same wpgb-content.

it may help if anyone search the forum for wp gridbuilder integration with cwicly .

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Did you get this to work? I am actually looking for this same solution as we speak. It did not work on my install.

I also went with Gridbuilder after 2 weeks of trying to set up Cwicly filters to work how I needed. I try to resist feeling like it was wasted time, although my client would disagree. I see it more as testing to limits of what’s possible now. And, for my needs, it was too big of a compromise.

Gridbuilder does one thing (well, maybe 2-3 things) really well. They allow you to build robust filters for WP queries. I’ve never been a fan of wanting to be all things to all people. Cwicly is an amazing tool and Louis has been unbelievably ambitious, but I don’t want Cwicly to try to build all manner of complex functionality within it.

The filters can use some refinement, and I’ll be making a separate post with some feature requests, but it’s a lot of work to get all these things right, and the inevitable support issues that will arise if/when it causes conflicts elsewhere.

yes it worked with no issues , I will list the process:

1- add “wpgb-content” with no qoutes as a css class of the query template element.
2- in the facet shortcode change the grid number to wpgb-content , the facet short code shal be ```
[wpgb_facet id=“2” grid=“wpgb-content”] , exactly the same , just the id of the facet in this shortcode to be changed , or you can use the facet gutenberg block and add wpgb-content in the second field ( the grid name ).
3- add this shortcode [wpgb_query id=“wpgb-content”] above the query block you need to filter.
4- you must disable any pagination in cwicly query block , and instead add a wp gridbuilder paginatuon facet out of the query template element .
5- now just enable the option to detect custom queries in wp gridbuilder setting.

6- in case your page have accordion element you may face issue where accordion not working after adding gridbuilder facets to the page , to solve that add this to your custom css:
body .cc-acdc {
display: flex;

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I don’t see where this setting lives in Gridbuilder. Could you please provide a screenshot?

Hi @battarov . is it still working? im trying to create a filter using wpgridbuilder and query block of cwicly but it doesnt work