Where did the "SECTION DEFAULTS" settings panel go?

I am creating my first Cwicly site according to the documentation site.

The “SECTION DEFAULTS” settings panel should be between “BREAKPOINTS” and “DEDAULT BLOCK”, where did you move it?

Below is my site which is installed Cwicly Version 1.3-beta2.

The new location for both Section and Container defaults is: Global Styles → Elements → Blocks panel.

From the Release Notes for

In addition, we are introducing block-specific styles in the Global Styles → Elements → Blocks panel. These styles will apply to the default block class, and you also have the option to target specific blocks by entering a class, similar to our HTML element styling.

Initially, you can find the Section and Container block styling options, with more to be added in future updates.

The full text of the Release Notes are - here.
Also check out Grant Ambrose’s video after which it will become very clear where the new default settings are located and how to set them:
Cwicly FIXED one of their biggest issues
Best of luck!

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@webworx Thank you! I can find it. I’ll see Grant’s Video. I love his tutorial videos.

@webworx, thanks for the help and precious information.

@Dokaben, apologies for the confusion here. I’ll ask the team to update the Getting Started section to make sure that it contains the latest information.

The Section block documentation was updated previously: https://docs.cwicly.com/blocks/section

If there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate.
