What is the easiest way to add an image to a post?

I write posts with many screenshots, describing some investing theory, and how as I refine it, the results change. My old pre-cwicly workflow was to copy the image in Equities Lab, and then paste it into Wordpress. A plugin called the-paste handled the fact that when you pasted, you wanted to upload to the media library and create an image block. This had the following workflow:

  1. Hit Ctrl V to paste the image
  2. Hit Enter to get a new paragraph to type
    So far so good.

Now, in the Cwicly world, I can still do this, but it gets a bit more laborious:

  1. Hit Enter to create a new paragraph
  2. Use the mouse to change the new cwicly paragraph to a core paragraph
  3. paste the image
  4. use the mouse to convert the core image to a cwicly one (if I don’t do this it spaces oddly)
  5. Hit Enter to create new new cwicly paragraph, and continue editing

As I faff around, it looks like I can do:

  1. type “/image”
  2. if the core image block is not hidden, select that
  3. ctrl V to paste the image
  4. use the mouse to convert the core image to a cwicly one (if I don’t do this it spaces oddly)
  5. Hit Enter to create new new cwicly paragraph, and continue editing

If there a better way? I’m happy to edit the php code, use a code snippet, or install a plugin. I’m just looking for a more streamlined workflow for my (admittedly odd) use case.

Hi @equitieslab ,

from what I understand this won’t directly solve your specific problem, but maybe using a .docx => Wordpress plugin could speed up your workflow in an adjacent way. In the past I’ve used the Mammoth .docx converter plugin to upload blog posts.

If you happen to write your blog posts offline in docx format, you could add any image you like inside the docx Document itself and then, once you’re finished writing, upload it to wordpress with the plugin. The plugin will convert any text to Gutenberg paragraph blocks and images should also be converted to Gutenberg image blocks.

Hope that helps in any way :slight_smile:


That seems like a good idea – wonder if there’s a way to mass convert a page from core Gutenberg to Cwicly, or back?

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The only limitation in this whole process I see is that the Cwicly paragraph or image block doesn’t allow for pasting images.

You could bring that up in a feature request.

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Yeah, I also asked myself that when building the aforementioned blog in cwicly :smiley:

There already is a post here in the forum discussing Gutenberg <=> cwicly block conversion in bulk, so maybe that might be interesting for you.

In my case I ended up using the plugin and leaving all blocks in their Gutenberg forms :slight_smile:

I’ve added a feature request for making a streamlined way of adding images. If this is something you care about, please consider voting for it!