How to convert Gutenberg blocks to Cwicly blocks in bulk?


I’m in the process of migrating 5 websites from Elementor Pro to Cwicly.

3 of these websites have hundreds of blog posts and pages.

Is there a way of converting the default Gutenberg blocks to Cwicly blocks in bulk? I just did it manually on the only website with two pages and it was a real PITA.


@J4VMC oh dear that is some project. You might want to consider the HTML paste to Cwicly Blocks option. Take the code from the your browser inspector on the frontend. There is no straight forward way to import Elementor pages.

The blog posts’ content is all in Gutenberg blocks wrapped in an Elementor template. I truly don’t care about the Elementor template, but converting the blocks in bulk would be great.

Why don’t you just export posts with WP then reimport them on the new site?
If your posts are made with Guntenberg blocks, they should be readable as is.

This is definitely a potential time saving strategy. It may require an additional extension, such as the one recommended by @owynter here:

What I want to achieve is that all headings, paragraphs and lists are from Cwicly instead of Gutenberg core, if that makes sense. Ideally I want to style all my blocks with Tailwind classes.

I truly don’t care about the HTML, to be honest. What I care is the Gutenberg core blocks being converted to Cwicly to take advantage of the Tailwind integration

Manually styling hundreds of posts??? But why?

IMHO, blog posts should never depend on page builder or block plugin, partly for this reason :wink:

I wasn’t planning on styling each of them manually, I was planning on using the Tailwind typography plugin and a Cwicly template.

what do you recommend then?

@J4VMC this plugin suggested by @owynter and @StrangeTech below you can copy paste your HTML into Cwicly and it will convert whatever styling into TW classes including breakpoints using Cwicly blocks. I think that is your best solution.


Then you don’t need to convert your blocks to Cwicly blocks, Tailwind typography applies to standard markup, including Gutenberg headings or text.

Just wrap post content in your blog post template and use prose- classes on the container.

Does it? I didn’t know that was the case. Thanks for letting me know.