Trouble adding Post ID in a block attribute, inside a query


I’m trying to add the post ID to a block attribute in a query loop, but it doesn’t seem to work.

The Post Title and other fields output as expected i.e. data-cc-attribute-2=“Hello World” , but with the post ID option selected the attribute isn’t output at all.


Hi @dazziebunz,

Thank you for pointing this out!

I have been able to reproduce this issue on my end with the Post ID option, and can confirm it is a bug.
Rest assured, we’ll have a fix for this as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Once again, thank you for reporting this @dazziebunz!

This should now be fixed with 1.3.4.

Kindly let me know if this is the case on your end.

Thank you in advance.

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It is working perfectly now @Araminta

Thank you for the speedy fix!

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