Translators welcome!

Hello everybody!

Since Cwicly is attracting clients from all over the world, we are having an increasing demand for Cwicly to be available in different languages.

So we would very much value your help and contributions, if you have a little time to spare and some translation skills. Just a few words here and there from time to time would be greatly appreciated.It’s simple to help and all contributions are welcome.

If you are interested in helping, please click on this link Cwicly < GlotPress which will take you to the Cwicly translation page.

To get started, log in or set up an account by clicking ‘have to log in’ on the left hand column.

Choose the language of your choice and choose the string you would like to translate. When you suggest a new translation, it will be added shortly after approval.

Thank you for your valuable help and ongoing support.


I begun to work on the French translation, but I have some doubts about the words to use. I would be helpful with some context.
Another problem: the using of “franglais”, that means to use English words in a french sentence: for example the word “query” means “recherche”, but in the WordPress context I don’t think it ‘s necessary to translate it. A practical example: “query editor” should be translated by “éditeur de recherche”, but has no sense, so “éditeur de query” would be better.

Hello there @Ombres-et-lumieres,

Thanks for the help!
You bring up a good point. Looking at how WordPress does it, I think requête might be the way to go.

Don’t hesitate to propose your translation or ask here :wink:

Happy to validate my own entries as well, if needed.

Thank you very much @Marius! Added :slight_smile:


Mais bien sûr!!! :wink:

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Just a friendly reminder for those who don’t know already or just forgot about it :innocent:

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I would like to start translating into Romanian if you are kind to add it to the list. Thanks.


Superb @beleancristian, added :+1:

Thanks to everyone for their translations already, we will be bringing in translators to get the rest of the strings translated so we can ship them in the coming weeks.

Thank you @Louis. One more on the translation… The use of diacritics specific to my language is advised or without? List of possible diacritics: ĂÂÎȘȚăâîșț.

Hello @beleancristian,

:+1: for the use of diacritics. Thanks once again!

Hi @Louis, I’m really excited about Cwicly and I would like to start translating into Polish.

Many thanks for the amazing work!


Welcome @gierand! That’s wonderful :slight_smile:

I’ve just set a Polish translation set. If you want to be made a moderator, please send me an email at so that I get you added.

Thank you so much!

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Happy to support with german. :slight_smile:
Question to other german users: What do you prefer?
Personally I don’t like to translate some of the technical terms but it has pro and contra.
Margin and padding = Außen- und Innenabstand

but also Keywords like query, overflow and more.

What are your opinions?

P.S. However, I insist on the translation of Cookie. :smiley:


Hey @sebastianberger.
Thanks for joining the translation squad - and of course the forum here as well :wave:

I need to agree with you here.
Sometimes, translations do more confuse than the originals - or are even misleading.
That’s the reason I never change the language to remain the native experience.
I don’t want to speculate every time what the actual meaning could be.

Quick example:
A tooltip is a tooltip in my opinion, not a “quick info”.
I mean it is, but I wouldn’t be able to connect the dots inside the builder.

I think that’s totally fine and general stuff can be handled like that.
Nothing is set in stone I guess, so feel free to translate however you feel like.

One thing:
It doesn’t make sense to “translate” the original string 1:1. Just leave that cases aside.

I’ll check your stuff later to approve it :+1:
In case you want to do that by yourself, just request the validator role here.


I will help with the Dutch translation. Agree with the people above who say they don’t translate certain technical terms into their country’s words.


checking german translations atm. one question, maybe also for other german users. do you prefer “mittig mittig” or “center center”? i just tend to keep namings for those things in english since they are used that way everywhere. other parts like “icon library” i would use the german one but still “icon” instead of “Symbol” but “Bibliothek” instead of library.
let me know your thoughts :slight_smile:

@gusmo I prefer center center, but I think the proper way is mittig mittig.
Same goes for the example above with margin/padding and Außen-/Innenabstand, etc.
Icon library should translate into Icon Bibliothek, as you mentioned.

A literal translation is nonsense, just as a translation for the “nerds”.
In my opinion it should be clear, common and natural.

All translations should have something like a Roter Faden to make it a consistent experience.

Might be the wrong person to comment on this, since I am the one who made these translations.


how would handle ease / fade and all those things? bit struggling with those very common terms used in coding. and the other thing is about tutorials and webfinds. and no, you are perfect person if you did the translation. :slight_smile: so we can discuss and get exactly the “Roter Faden” inside.


Well, in my opinion, things will get clear as soon as we see them inside the builder.
Sometimes, the translation will be wrong because context is missing inside the strings.

If you ask me, the best idea would be to throw in the translations, looking for errors inside the tool itself and then waiting for user feedback.

CSS values sometimes do not reflect what’s going on and when translating them, it’s looking like an “option” rather than a CSS value.

I’m honest with you. I skipped all the more tricky stuff and picked the easy ones.
Maybe multiple translators, but a single validator makes most sense in terms of consistency.