Themer show nothing

i had set the template, but show nothing

  • WordPress version: 6.4.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hi @Timchen,

Is this the same or different issue as the other one you raised recently?

As mentioned in there, itā€™s probably related to:

@Araminta requested some more information in the other thread, Iā€™m guessing knowing the plugins you are using would help.

In our case WPML seems to be the plugin that is most likely the cause.


Iā€™ve had this problem since I started using cwicly.
(but just query dont show )

Hi @timchen,

Could you please clarify whether the issue youā€™re mentioning is specific to a frontend rendering query?

If it is, please be aware that this isnā€™t a bug but rather an expected behavior.
We donā€™t load the query items as itā€™s handled on the client side.

However, if no blocks are appearing from the themer, could you provide additional details on this?

Thank you in advance.

ok, get it, query block will not show on themer, other block normal

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Thank you for confirming this, @timchen!

Iā€™ll move this to General as it isnā€™t a bug.