The big UI/UX topic

First of all a big THANK YOU to the awesome Cwicly team. :heart:

I like the changes in the new site header layout which gives me a sleek clean impression:



I allso like the elements of the Design Library, Components and the Navigator.

My muscle memory is a little affected by them, but that will go away with time.
Since my personal selection of blocks just fits into the Quick Inserter, everything is fine for me. This might be different for others. I would probably have placed them in the top bar of the header layout as before, as they add great functionality (are important). An alternative might be to remove them and put them as blocks in the Quick Inserter so you can personalise the bar as before.

Was there already a keyboard shortcut to toggle the navigator? :heart_eyes:

And oh my, what great stuff Components are :heart:

Well, since I thought the link selector got a new design, I was going to mention that too, but it seems to be back to normal. :joy: