Some spacing control quirks

After some time getting used to it, the new spacing control is a great improvement over the previous experience. But there are still a few hiccups.

When there is no value for the selected property set, it’s not possible to use the blue dot, even if it should be available in this scenario.


Left - Right and Top - Bottom only deletes one value.


Not sure how it happened and couldn’t replicate it anymore (but happened 3-4 times in a short period of time).
When using the Spacing Control, the builder UI froze and became unusable. The only thing that wasn’t affected and remained interactable was the canvas itself.

Sometimes, the popover won’t close as it’s intended.
Clicking somewhere else in the builder’s interface won’t help. It will eventually close after clicking several times on different areas.
Also here, unfortunately not reproducible, but will keep an eye on it.

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.6.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4.2-beta2

Hello @Marius,

Thank you for bringing these up.

This is how it was intended to be, although it was something that did come up as a question mark when shipping it like this.

The logic here was that the reset dot should act as it normally does with other inputs (this was further supported by the fact you can Alt + click to reset the value, or Shift + click to reset all sides without opening the modal), but watching the short clips and looking at the title reflecting different states, it isn’t currently clear and makes no sense, the value and dot should affect all selected sides.

I wonder if this might have been linked to the pointer-events property on the body not being removed? If it happens again, I’d be grateful if you can take a look at that.

This is something I have experienced. We are currently using the in-built Popover component provided by Gutenberg, but it does have some bizarre behaviour when it comes to listening to outside focus… We might have to switch it out.

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I was leaning towards this at first and ended up deleting it from my other spacing control related bug report (and made it specific to one case). I wanted to give myself some time to get the logic in line with my workflow, but the actual problem remains.
It just doesn’t do what I expect it to do, and what it tells me it would do - even if there is a plausible logic behind it.

However, I am sure that this would have been one of the first things to come up as soon as the stable version was released.


Ooh, thanks for the reminder. I really forgot about that. Console log didn’t show up anything, but this is what I certainly will check out the next time.

Thanks for confirming.
I have not checked whether the ESC button still works.
Maybe a small workaround for the meantime if it occurs.

Hey @Louis.

I think I’ve come a little closer to the point.
Please check, when you have a moment.

This might only happen when Force iFrame is enabled (which might also be related to this issue):

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Nice catch, @Marius. And thank you for the detailed points, really helps.
Will go through the steps and see what’s not being properly recorded in the events.


Thank you for changing the logic behind this @Louis.
Now it feels natural and intuitive. So much better!

Also, the issue that prevents the user from interacting with the UI when using the color picker and then interacting with the new spacing controls (was it when scrubbing only?) seems to be fixed as well.

With all these changes and resulting hiccups, the beta phase was a good decision :+1:

On a side note, as this is related. I think it happened maybe twice in all these weeks (maybe it’s fixed with this update, who knows).
When the popover opens, the left icon is pre-selected (active state) and I can’t deselect it.
When switching from left-right to top-bottom, it doesn’t fix it either, as a potential workaround.


If this ever happens again, I’ll take a closer look and open a dedicated bug report.
Just wanted to mention it, maybe someone else also came across this yet.

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Thanks for your tremendous input on this, it really has helped shape the spacing controls.

Interesting… I can see this happening with the Alt key being in use which should nullify the All option, so I’ll try and address that before tomorrow. Wonder if that might be the cause of what you’re seeing?

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Thank you for all your great work @Louis.

Hmm. I can’t confirm that but if there are scenarios which can potentially lead to this issue, it’s always worth to address it, if somehow possible.
In any case, I’ll keep an eye on it :+1:

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Thanks once again for your feedback and help on this, @Marius.
It should be fixed in 1.4.2

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