Slow zoom effect on background images

and not only centered and zoom out or in, but also with directions. These animations are normally set to very slow (e.g. 60 seconds), and a small degree of growing. I think it is called Ken Burns effect

Example, with a lot of other interesting animations throughout that site:


Or here: (zoom and deg change):

Not a fan of having this as a library with plenty of effects.
Using one always means loading all.

Also, no control. One is dependent on the predefined ones.
What I would like to see though is an option to build and manage CSS keyframe animations inside the builder.

It’s more efficient and the user has full control.
Like a codepen? Just build it yourself.
That wouldn’t be possible with predefined stuff.
I would love to have this as a feature, as I don’t plan to use custom stylesheets or custom code (with very little exceptions) at all.