Setting - Remove Container Block Display Properties - not working!

Hi there,

Maybe I’m wrong here, but the “Remove Container Block Display Properties” are not being applied. The display:flex property is not applied to my blocks even after regeneration of my global css.

Am I missing something?


Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4.3
  • Cwicly Plugin version: 1.4

Hello @T-low,

Thanks for the report.

I don’t seem to be able to reproduce this on my end.
When active, the flex properties are removed from the container class.

You are regeneration the Global Styles CSS?


Hi @Louis,

thank you for the fast reply.

I’m quite sure that I regenerated the Global Styles CSS :+1:

I also tested on the Cwicly demo site for Firefox and Chrome.

My Gif XD (30)

Could this be a problem on my side?


Hello @T-low,

Might you be referring to the Quick Flex property instead?


Hi @Louis,

you are right, sorry about that.

But Quick Flex is also on:


Or do I have to add blocks somewhere to apply this rule?


small bump from me for :wink:

My Gif XD (34)


Hi @T-low,

Your screenshot seems to be related to this issue, rather than the setting in your original post:

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Hi @StrangeTech,

you are right, thank you. :+1:

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