Repeater fields not working with component richtext

I have created a component that I’m using inside a repeater (also outside, depending on the page) Within the repeater the component content which is a richtext field in the dynamic toggle doesn’t have repeater as a possible source just ACF and WordPress. The regular text fields do have the repeater as an option and work great. My current workaround is to dulplicate the content block, and create a new text field, so inside the repeater I use the regular text field and outside where I need to manually style the text I use the other one. It’s a bit wonky but it will do for now, hopefully it gets sorted soon.

  • WordPress version: 6.6
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

ETA: Finding the same error with the link property. I spotted this in a new site I’m building, and I’m worried about what might be going on with my existing sites that did have the repeater as a source.

Hi @mariaarangokure Repeaters are not supported with components currently.

Refer to this thread:

I already use repeaters with components in at least three other websites without a problem. Also within this build the text property works perfectly fine but I’m finding issues with the link and the rich text field