Repeater ACF field added to a Taxonomy Term isn't displaying on Taxonomy archive template

We have confirmed this is definitely an issue on the Cwicly side, the ACF fields work perfectly using custom code - we have had to drop in code blocks as a workaround.

@Louis, here is our working code for both relationship fields and repeater fields:

Relationship fields:

add_filter( 'cwicly/query/args', function( $query_args, $attributes, $id ) {
	if ($id === 'query-c6041ea') {
		$term = get_queried_object();
		$partners = get_field("commercial_partners", $term);

		$query_args['post__in'] = $partners;
	return $query_args;
}, 10, 3 );

Repeater fields:

<div class="metrics post-grid">
$term = get_queried_object();
$stats = get_field( 'stats', $term);

if ( $stats ) {
  foreach ( $stats as $stat ) {
    $stat_title = $stat['title'];
    $stat_content = $stat['content'];
    <div class="featured-metric post-content">
      <h2><?php echo $stat_title; ?></h3> 
      <p><?php echo $stat_content; ?></p>

For the repeaters, I am guessing that as there is no way to set the taxonomy archive as the location, Cwicly is not automatically detecting that the current context is a taxonomy archive and passing the term as the second parameter.

Regarding the relationship query, I think it is probably the same issue - there is no way to specify the current taxonomy archive as the location in the “Posts In”:

Finally, this same issue also affects visibility conditions, we have had to use a custom function for this also, instead of being able to use the built-in ACF field features:

function service_has_stats() {
	$has_stats = false;
	$term = get_queried_object();
	$stats = get_field( 'stats', $term);
	if ( $stats ) {
	  $has_stats = count($stats) > 0;
	return $has_stats;