License not recognized properly

After migrating a site under development locally to InstaWP using the following plugin, the license does not seem to be recognized properly.
In the settings screen of Cwicly and the dashboard of the official site, the site launched with InstaWP seems to be recognized correctly.

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Have you tried deactivating/reactivating the plugin license again on the Cwicly settings page?

We’re experiencing the same issue on every new website project when using All-in-One WP Migration.

Context: We’ve build a template installation that we use as a skeleton for every new website project. We set this up by cloning the template installation to a certain domain.

It can indeed be fixed by reactivating the license but unfortunately it never works the first time. I usually change the key to something random, refresh and then fill in the right key. Sometimes I have to repeat these steps.

This is one of the most time-consuming bugs we’re experiencing so a proper solution would be amazing. Some plugins can be activated by using a certain define key in the wp-config file. Would this be a fitting workaround?

What I do to bypass this problem is to delete the cwicly license row from the wp database and then activate it. But I understand Louis is already working on an improved license system. So that should fix it.

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Thanks for the suggestions @GM-Mike.
As we’ve pushed this up on the priority list and have started work on it, don’t hesitate to leave other propositions here: License checker improvement

Hello there,

1.2.2 has been released and should fix the issues encountered.

If you still experience trouble with the licensing process, please let me know.


Nothing seems to work for me after a site migration to production :frowning:

Tried to deactivate reactivate Cwicly a few times, emptied all caches, deleted license from database…

License is spinning forever, I can’t even re-enter it:


NOTE: Domain name has been added to my account.

FYI, the issue occured on OVH hosting, but then I transfered the site again to another french hosting (o2switch) and everything went well.