Legacy Section padding styles not being applied to the mobile breakpoint


Regarding a site that was developed prior to the section and container enhancements that is using the legacy section behaviour.

Updating to the recent Cwicly version causes the section padding for mobile breakpoints not to be applied correctly.

Looking at the CSS in the browser, the breakpoint is not being used at all for the section cc-wrapper.


  1. Other CSS styles such as font sizes, etc are being applied correctly on mobile.
  2. Relative styles overriding the section padding for certain sections are being correctly applied on mobile

Step-by-step reproduction instructions:

  1. Create a site using legacy sections
  2. Set global section defaults for padding on Desktop/Mobile in the settings
  3. Add a section block to the page
  4. Note that the padding is not applied to the mobile breakpoint

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Tested and confirmed fixed by:

Thank you very, very much @Louis and the Cwicly team for the speedy fix, we have some changes to release today and this saved us from having to migrate the whole site to the new Section blocks!

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Hello @StrangeTech,

Thanks for the report and my apologies for the inconvenience.
This bug was unfortunately introduced with custom breakpoints: 1.3.4.

Moving to Fixed Bugs.

Thanks for your patience on this one.
