Is there a way to create a nav that shows what the user is selecting?

I’m trying out cwicly’s menus, and the built-in nav looks encouraging, except for one thing – it gives no indication of which item the user is hovering over.

Attempting to fix this by just adding the style turns into setting the same option over and over and over again, once for each menu item. This seems really unappetizing.

Classes seem nice, but I have no idea how to not have to set the same class over and over again, once for each item. That assumes I can figure out how to create the class, which seems reasonable.

Relative styles seem really atttractive, as I can set it once on the menu, and just have everything work. Except I can’t get beyond having everything turn red when I hover over anything.

Any ideas?

Any further insight on this?

Hey @equitieslab.

This might help you out:

Please let me know if you need further guidance.

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It turns out that setting a relative style does the trick, with the text “.blockclass a :hover” and then making the style change however you want to indicate hovers. Putting the relative style on the Nav block itself did the trick.

Yes, Relative Styling can replace all these styling options in the Primary Tab on any block.
Cwicly provides various ways in many instances to achieve the desired result.

I prefer to use the styling options inside the Primary Tab to organize things better, even if I require to add additional styling to an element via Relative Styling when a specific property is not available from there.

On that note. if on a single page and person on the link that the nav item selected (Hover and click on the menu item (#services). it scrolls to that section. is there a way to make the nav item selected?

like this. except above is hovered. i want it to be selected when the section (or page) is selected).

Yes, you can do that with interactions.
But the active state won’t change automatically when scrolling to another section, it’s a static solution.

I agree that I like using the primary tab when it works, but would I have to style each menu item individually? I thought I would. If not, where do I put the styling?


in the menu block - what does the current button mean?


I answered that you already here.

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