How to set up fluid typography and other globals after "reset to tailwind breakpoints"

Many thanks for the information.

The Utopia plug-in works wonderfully, I had already tested that.

But I mean the following plugin:

It is brand new.

Hi @Reasion,

I’ve actually never used Tailwind outside of Cwicly, but my guess is that you need to edit the config with Typescript and not JS, and I have no idea how or if we can do this with Cwicly now.

That said, IMHO “fluid everything” is a bit overkill, and it opens too many possibilities :wink:

I personally prefer setting the fewest possible fluid variables, corresponding to the basic font sizes and layout spaces that I use sitewide, and when I need specifics, I can use calc() or I simply create a new variable.

A bit late to the game, but before finding that you need to set on the base then it applies to larger screens, I use the stylesheet and wrote my css for all my typography. It works too, and my prefered method. I tend to work with same settings anyway for all my build once I found the optimal sizing that works for me and most people (I think :P).

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