How to add space between paragraphs

I’m trying to add a bit of space between paragraphs, but not between each line of the paragraph. Is there a way to do that in the GUI, or do I need to go to custom css?

Hi @equitieslab,

the following topic might interest you:

Below a protected space to copy:



Thanks! I found that post. I’ll use it when I’m getting dynamic text to work. The problem I’m having now is much simpler: I have text that looks like this in Kadence theme:

AAA start paragraph
aaa more paragraph

BBB start new paragraph
bbbb more new paragraph

in Cwicly, it looks like
AAA start paragraph
aaa more paragraph
BBB start new paragraph
bbbb more new paragraph

And I know there’s a way to fix that. Via CSS, and not by adding a ton of blank lines :slight_smile: I just am lacking the intuition of where it is.

Hi @equitieslab,

It sounds like you just want to add a bottom margin to your paragraphs

The solution to doing this depends on how you are using Cwicly and where these paragraphs are in your block structure.

You can add a bottom margin to any nested elements using relative styles on the block that contains them.

For example, if you want bottom margins to apply to all paragraphs within your post content, please see the following posts that show how you can use relative styles to target any elements by tag name within the post content:

If you are using Tailwind primarily, you may use a different approach.


Since I could never find a way to easily do so with Cwicly’s UI, I use custom CSS for this kind of thing, for instance:

:where(p:not(:first-child)) {
	margin-block-start: var(--spacing-p);
:where(p:not(:last-child)) {
    margin-block-end: var(--spacing-p);

You could also restrain this using a container selector if you don’t want to apply it to all p tags.

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