Frontend Rendering Issue with ACF

When Frontend Rendering is active on a query, acf fields are not showing. only featured imange and title for example shows. But ACF fields are not showing. when I disable frontend rendering, it shows acf fields. why frontend rendering has so many bugs.

Hi @kris,

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing trouble with this.

This sounds unusual as I cannot reproduce this error on my end.

If you were not aware, to view ACF Groups with Frontend Rendering, the API REST must be enabled.

To do this, either enable the “Show in REST API” setting for the desired ACF Groups or turn off the “Require ACF API REST” option in Cwicly Settings → Advanced Settings.

Note that enabling the REST API for your ACF fields allows any user to query these fields when using Frontend Rendering with Cwicly.
If you prefer to limit access, you can turn ON the “Require ACF API REST” option in Cwicly settings.

Read more about it at ACF | WP REST API Integration.

It is important to note that frontend rendering can have certain limitations, which should not be conflated with bugs.

If you have experienced bugs with frontend rendering please detail what they are so we may solve these as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance.

@Araminta thank you very much. its working now. i thought it was a bug since disabling front end rendering shows the acf field.what I did is turned off Require acf api rest in cwicly settings. does that affect anything on the website?

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Glad to hear that works on your end now, @kris!

It shouldn’t affect anything else on your website, but does allow all your ACF fields to be accessible via the API.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions.

@Araminta have the same issue, just with a specific field, the ACF Gallery one. All the fields are rendering except this one. (rest api is enabled on this group block)

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, @alex.

It seems the ACF gallery doesn’t render in a query whether frontend rendering is enabled or not.
We’ll be sure to get this fixed as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience.