End of Cwicly - Where and how to migrate to?

I have a couple of licenses i purchased almost 8 years ago and some of them still offer free updates for fairly good themes, kraft seems like a good option.

Droip looks pretty nice, given that it has only about 5 months on the market.

Besides, everything about cwicly was about hopeful thinking and ended up such an embarrassment, what could be worst at the time?

classes work very strangely there and itā€™s a big problem in my opinion. It should be noted that they have an interesting realization of animations.

Probably, Iā€™m barely looking at it and I found a few bugs but they are implementing components already, they have flex and grid, reusable Blocks, conditions, dynamic data, form builder, custom breakpoints, pseudo classes, nice grid builder, pop up builder and code looks ok in the front end.
Only 5 months on the market though. blessed be the healthy competition, it might get better.

Yeah. I never understood the whole mentality of ā€œBuilder XYZ is the bestā€ but if you want to use it you better install all these add-ons. If it is the best, why does it need so many add-ons?

I like Greenshift, but it could use some cleanup and organization. Itā€™s not the best workflow yet, there is no consistency across every feature. Itā€™s a promising block editor enhancer for sure, width a lot of clever solutions, and a lot of options. Way better than Kedence or Generate Blocks, no doubt about it. It could use some polishing, but itā€™s not a deal breaker. Iā€™m still deciding if Iā€™m actually going to use it though. It doesnā€™t have the only single thing Cwicly has that I find I cannot live without: a decent (product) filter system thatā€™s tied in with all the other features and can be infinitely customized. I can live without components, Tailwind integration, the best and most accessible and complete nav menu system, and even global classes (I wonā€™t die if I write all my classes on external stylesheet, neither will anyone else). But I cannot live without a good query and filter builder. And no, there is no matching alternative that would replace it. WP Grid Builder is fine, but it does not fit my needs.

And thatā€™s why I decided I will resume my project with Cwicly, and figure out what to do as the year goes by. I tested literally all alternatives I could test, read hundreds of document articles from multiple different offerings, and at the end of the day there is nothing quite like Cwicly for a Woo store. Not with such granular control. I can build an app-like experience without writing a single line of code with Cwicly, and deliver extremely advanced experiences with it. This was really a visionary tool. Itā€™s really sad to see it phasing away like this, and I know I have a long road ahead to decide how I will replace it with something equivalent. Because there is none in WordPress. Not for what I need at least.


Thanks for your intense elaboration. Did you take a look at Droip? It has been mentioned here, seems not that bad from what I experienced with their free version.

After reviewing everything I came to the same conclusion, sticking with Cwicly. Hopefully when the maintenance plans come out we can convince him to add a few improvements.


Droip sems like a solid solution for page building.

However, on my research I didnā€™t find anything in their documentation that would indicate they have a mature Loop/Query Builder, support to WooCommerce, or a Query Filter functionality (not to mention other features like a theme builder).

I am following the development of Droip closely, and I think they have a great future ahead. They are taking their time to build everything responsibly, but itā€™s still well into itā€™s infancy to be something I would use at this time (building WooCommerce stores for large companies with special requirements with minimal coding is hard). But I would recommend investing on it to support the developer. Itā€™s a solid option that will no doubt improve over time and should be a great investment. (We need to support devs more).

Some of the positives are the UI/UX, and the quality of the code and output. If I didnā€™t have other options with more dynamic capabilities I would consider using it, even though itā€™s not close to Core WordPress (itā€™s not like Cwicly).

They have a demo you can try. If youā€™re building simple websites it could be a good choice. Itā€™s definitely more complete than the Block editor, Kadence, and GenerateBlocks. But I would prefer to use Elementor, Breakdance, or Bricks for the same level of functionality (and more).

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As far as I can see (maybe I overlooked something), droip is missing capabilities to edit WordPress FSE templates, and it is not possible yet to edit headers and footers, nor there is a sound solution to manage global settings. At its current state it seems light years away from a complete pagebuilder. In the end the question might be, if that is bad or if it might be a good thing to use both together (FSE WordPress Core and something like droip), as WordPress FSE is truly emerging, maturing and getting better in its overall handling and features. The WooCommerce thing is a different disussion, for sure.

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To be honest, Iā€™m not a fan of how Gutenberg implements intrinsic design. They went to extremes, and this takes control away from us. I like Cwicly because it gives that control back. But I completely understand why they did it in this way thoughā€¦

In my opinion Gutenberg is years behind in a lot of stuff, including FSE.

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That is a false accusation.

We still very much provide support for OxyExtras.

If you have already sent us a ticket about the slider issue and we have not replied, please let me know.

Can you please list the bugs that need fixing in OxyExtras Brendon? We can work on them and push an update. Thanks in advance.

I guess no updates or clarity from a team for a year and Iā€™d steer clear personally. I mean does Oxygen even have a future? Seems to be sunset with small occasional updates to keep it running I guess? I would call that at least semi abandoned compared to say Bricks which isnā€™t, yet. We did ask David for clarity on Oxyextras future but he didnā€™t respond and since people rage quit Oxygen it was definitely on my not in active development list but good to see the recent updates.

Is this now an Oxygen/plugins discourse?

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@zeinnicholas I also have been researching any equivalent to Cwicly since the announcement. But nothing matches it. There is Bricks which has all the 3 parties jumping on it. Tremendous support. But you need at least three plugins for its functionality to be maximised. I just donā€™t understand that. The have been working on components for ages and still this feature has not been released. Also, it is a single man operation. Just as expendable as Cwicly. The dev is most certainly talented but he should hire a few others and delegate. But it is easily for me to criticise with the posture of ignorance. Then there are the other builders like Breakdance which wouldnā€™t be marketing to developers. Zion Builder wouldnā€™t be advanced enough either. Yes I have tried everything lol


Greenshift has many features but yes is seems a bit all over the place. You need to really know the product. It would need a UI overhaul in my humble opinion. But much of that is a Gutenberg issue to some degree. Stackable has a cleaner presentation and a more intuitive setup but somewhat limited for advanced users. Just not as advanced as Greenshift.


still hope cwicly get moving on for new future without promised support, if cwicly do not have enough ability customer services. because we believe Louis is the gunnies , he is the best.

I just tried to use Bricks a few days ago, so Iā€™m in no position to a final judgement.

But from what I saw until now the Nav Block, Color management (including dark mode), Font Manager, Components and Global Styles are unmatched. Not to mention the UI. I absolutely love the Cwicly UI with all the little icons. Once you know how it works it is incredibly efficient. And simply beautiful! I donā€™t have the same feeling about Bricks.

Iā€™m sure I forgot a few things. (Grid builder for example? Did not try this with Bricks though).

Oh, and what about the Query Builder and the visibility conditions?

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By this I mean that Cwicly implemented these things in a unique way I have yet to find somewhere else. For me the Cwicly approach was perfect.

To say it differently: Off the top of my head I canā€™t name you significant things some other page builder did better than Cwicly did it.

What do you think about the things I listed above? I assume you are more familiar with Bricks. Would you say Bricks is doing these things as good as Cwicly did it?
Also it would be interesting to know if you think there are things Bricks does better.

is bricks so good? since Cwicly still did not have a long term plan yet. seems i need to take a try for bricks? i think cwicly is the best if Louis keep going