The release of WordPress 6.2 brings a few enhancements. One that is significant is the menu improvements via the Navigation block.
This enables editing and re-ordering menu items directly within the block, which is a big timesaver.
These usability improvements will greatly benefit Cwicly users while also having all of the styling and layout capabilities the Cwicly Menu block currently has.
@Louis, we are also curious, with the MegaMenu changes in the in-progress tasks on the roadmap whether some of these features are already done or soon to be available connected to that.
But please keep the menu page in WP appearance as well, so that we can still quickly edit items without opening editor.
In the last WP default theme, which I use on my WP test install, menus are only editable in blocks and most of the time it is not a time saver
I agree that ordering elements would be awesome while in the editor, but for instance when building a site, I often change menu items URLS or labels or hierarchy while working on the site structure, CPTs, etc, and I don’t want to launch the editor all the time for this.
I do miss this ability for the Cwicly Menu Block. In terms of styling, I think the block settings offer everything that is needed, in worst case, Relative Styling will do for edge cases.
But no way to access HTML attributes for individual menu items inside the editor.