Custom Taxonomy and Themer

Not sure why but looks like custom taxonomy and the Themer doesn’t work?

I created a template under the Themer and set the condition to:
Archive → Product → Default Pattern (This is my custom taxonomy) → All.

The template I created does not overwrite my custom taxonomy’s pages, currently it just shows a default broken WordPress layout page. Is this a bug or did I set something wrong? The custom taxonomy I created is under WooCommerce’s Product post type.

Hello @lukelee,

Thanks for reporting this.

Indeed, I can confirm that templates applied to custom taxonomies within WooCommerce do not appear on the frontend, but are loaded (as you can see in the admin toolbar).

I tried applying a template through the native Site Editor templating, the same issue arises. Do you experience the same thing?

I believe that WooCommerce is not loading block templates for custom product taxonomies, and is forcing their own “non-block” template instead.

I’ll try looking into this a bit more closely, but I would recommend also reaching out to their team.


Hello @Louis
Yes, experience the same thing, and yes it does looks like the templates does applied to custom taxonomies by looking at the frontend admin toolbar.

However the style and everything is not adapting the real templates we assigned it to.

I too am having the same issue. Are there any updates on this one? @lukelee did you hear anything from WooCommerce? Or @Louis did you get any insight on this issue on your end?

Thanks in advance!

Hello @lukelee,

This has been fixed in 1.3.4.
Thanks for your patience on this one.
