Custom post category not displaying


I am trying to display the category of a custom post on the post page but it is not showing for some rease.

I create a custom post and custom taxonomies with ACF.
Linked both together.
Created category, post and associated a category to the post.
On dynamic content chose wordpress > post category but the associated category is not showing up on the site.

Every other dynamic content if working fine… I’m not sure if I did something wrong or something is bugged with that?


Hi @Elfako,

You may want to try using the Taxonomy Terms block, this may resolve the issue for you.

Oh yes that work ! Thanks a lot !

Maybe not a bug than but a weird little thing to know with cwicly :slight_smile:

Thanks again

Thank you, @StrangeTech for helping @Elflako out!

We appreciate your observation.

We understand that the current behaviour, where the Post Category is only visible for taxonomies within the Category taxonomy, may not be very intuitive for users.

Rest assured, we are planning on enhancing this feature to allow for more flexible display options and the use of multiple taxonomies without the need for the Taxonomy Terms block.
Our aim is to make it easier to customise the display and work with multiple taxonomies.