Components: Styles variations are not responsive

Cwicly Plugin version: 1.3.1


When editing a CSS property for a component style variation, it seems that we can’t change property value according to breakpoint.

  1. Select a style, edit a property value.
  2. Change breakpoint, change property value.
  3. Go back to previous breakpoint, property value does not revert to previous value.


Thanks so much for your report.

There does seem to be an issue with responsive values when editing component style variations.

Your title implies there are issues with component styles responsiveness. Can you confirm that this is only related to style variations?

Best regards,

Exactly, edited title :wink:

Hi @yankiara,

Thank you for taking the time to report this!

With 1.3.2, you should now be able to set responsive values on component style variations.
Kindly let me know if this is the case on your end.

Thank you in advance.