Components: ACF Repeater not available in list of sources for Rich Text

I’m not seeing “Repeater” as a source option for the content of Rich Text elements within Components.

In this example, I have a feature box with a heading (Text) and copy (Rich Text).
On the left you see the modal for adding the content, and I can select the Repeater and choose the field.
On the modal on the right you see this is not available.

As a separate issue, pressing ENTER in a Rich Text component content box simply creates a
element. I need to be able to create


Hey @owynter.

If I’m not mistaken, there is already a topic about it.
Can you confirm that this the issue you face?

Currently Repeaters are not supported in Components. The topic the @Marius linked above would be the same issue. I am hoping they add both Repeaters and Background images to components.

Hi @owynter,

Thank you for pointing this out.

I can confirm this is a bug with Rich Text, as the Repeater source is available for the Text property.
Rest assured, we’ll have a fix for this as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Yes, it would seem to be within the same general topic. Some fields work fine, others don’t.


The second issue is outside the repeater topic. That we should have the option of adding new <p> with a RETURN/ENTER keypress within the Rich Text elements. Right now, all that happens is a simple line break.

I was hitting return twice to add paragraph spacing but that was problematic. Sometimes I would have to reload the page for that to work. So I added unordered lists with list styling none and the padding preset for each return entry. It’s a workaround.

This is a current limitation with the Gutenberg RichText editor.

Hello @hopscotch,

Would love to know what your experience with the list block/component property has been like since 1.3.3 if you’ve used it.
As it is a custom implementation and doesn’t rely on a Gutenberg component, we could maybe extend it for use in Components RichText editing, which would allow for multiple <p> tags.


Thanks for clarifying,

How do you strike the balance between custom elements and sticking with the inherent limitations of many of Gutenberg’s blocks? Since we know the development timetable for many of their features is unreliable at times.

Whenever we can do something that falls within Gutenberg’s proposal, that will be the chosen route.

Our list block is a good example. It was based on the inbuilt RichText solution.
Unfortunately, the Gutenberg team decided to remove it completely and instead offer a list item = block solution.
This forced us to propose a custom solution that maintains the features that the original block provided.

In this specific case, we wouldn’t be replacing the RichText editing instances on Cwicly blocks - only the ones inside Components.


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Hi @Louis I tested the Rich Text field and it seems much more stable. Before it would freeze up frequently. Then Rich Text field would not display at all in the Qwicly UI but now that is also fixed with
What would really be lovely is if Repeaters and Background Images could be added to Components. That would be incredibly powerful.

