Add Pseudo Classes tab to relative style inspector

Currently when editing a block, you can specify pseudo class content using the Pseudo Classes block:

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 23.30.39

When editing a relative style, this is not available:

Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 23.31.09

As we have the capability with relative styles to target pseudo elements (e.g. ::before and ::after), it will be useful to be able to specify this via the inspector for relative styles instead of having to use custom code.

Feature request here:

Thank you!

Very much needed, so many use cases - already requested.

Searched for it before I raised the issue but didn’t spot the existing one for some reason - thanks for pointing it out.

ive hit that roadblock as well. had to insert the pseudoclasses content"" from the element itself.

Please consider voting if you find it important @Spipov.
Thank you.

have done so, never think of this thanks @Marius

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