Hello @David,
Hope you’re well.
Great to see Cwicly on one of your live sites!
Really enjoyed your presentation which has a lots of little nuggets
Thanks for taking the time to write down the things that have come up and you think could be improved.
This is something I have experienced myself and have been wanting to look at closer. It definitely needs some adjustments made to it to allow the number scrubbing and input to work in tandem a bit more gracefully.
Maybe automatically selecting the stylesheet when created is the way to go here as I can see an unnecessary action as you point out.
This is a useful point.
I can understand the confusion with the dot as it is used to reset otherwise in almost every case. Will look at how we can move to something that’s less specialised (eye icon?)
I do get caught in this also. We have been considering it, but want to make sure it doesn’t get enabled unnecessarily.
Yes, duplication through the menu context is currently our last trouble causer. This is being reviewed currently as with page-specific rules, the way blocks identification is managed inside Cwicly will change and allow us to move away from having our custom copy/pasting logic, which in turn will remove all frustration with duplicate IDs and Classes.
Interesting point. The alt field in Cwicly is specifically meant to override (if wanted) the one provided and managed by the Media Library, which is why we leave it blank. I can understand the confusion this could create, maybe a hint with the alt from the media library (if it exists) is something to consider here.
This is because we apply the auto/100% by default on image blocks, although 1.2 fixes this by moving the defaults to a CSS class. So you shouldn’t experience this issue anymore.
Thanks again @David , have a great week-end!