We strongly recommend to update immediately as this release contains a security fix.
Please make sure you backup your installation before updating to this latest release.
Please make sure to regenerate Blocks HTML to correctly apply the changes on the frontend.

  • Security fix: Authenticated (Contributor +) vulnerability verified patch. Special thanks to Calvin Alkan for the security disclosure. Security patch: Please update to

  • Improvement: Beta - Transfer / Exchange Breakpoints

  • Fix: Pasting copied classes on block would return error if no classes were applied to block

  • Fix: Components → when detaching, reset unique identifications

  • Fix: Tailwind purge → Cwicly colours with names applied would not be properly formatted

  • Fix: Tailwind default breakpoints → added extra breakpoint to accommodate Tailwind screens in traditional Cwicly editing (make sure to exchange your sm to base breakpoints if you want to apply this new breakpoint)

  • Fix: Nav Menu block → warnings removed

  • Fix: Cwicly ACF specific functions would not be loaded when ACF Pro was installed and active separately

  • Fix: Remove unnecessary @media rules when empty

  • Fix: Tailwind value suggestions would override normal values on Effects properties

  • Fix: Tailwind custom configuration would not evaluate properly when plugins array was not specified and default plugins were toggled

  • Fix: InnerBlocks block → do not render empty div when no elements have been added to block