Wordpress dynamic fields not rendered with dynamic preview

** Cwicly Plugin version: **


It seems some Wordpress dynamic fields are not rendered in the template editor when a post is selected with dynamic preview dropdown:

  • post title
  • post ID
  • post excerpt

It is working with ACF fields, though, and with post date, time, author.

Yes, we have noticed this also with post excerpt, I know this has been mentioned a few times a while ago on another thread, so good to get feedback from the Cwicly team.

Hi @yankiara,

Thank you for taking the time to report this!

I can confirm that the dynamic inserter doesn’t currently respond to the dynamic preview.

As for the dynamic content, it doesn’t seem to be properly rendering when dynamically previewing a page (and works as expected with posts).

We are working to address these issues, and I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for your patience.

The post content with dynamic preview should allow us to view its content properly. Additionally, there is an issue with the block quote; it lacks style when custom CSS/classes are not used

UP UP UP, very annoying when building templates :pray:

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Hello @yankiara,

I cannot reproduce what you’re currently experiencing with the post title and post id dynamic previews.

A step-by-step guide to reproduce this would be appreciated.

Excerpt preview is planned.


Hello @yankiara,

I will consider this issue resolved since I haven’t heard back from you, except for the excerpt preview that requires a more detailed implementation.
