Hey there,
I think I found a bug with the woocommerce dynamic Price option.
In my understand, please correct me if I’m wrong, “formatted currency” should print the price (depending on my woocommerce settings, either with or without tax), and formatted Tax Currency should print the price including the tax?
I have the following settings in Woocommerce:
Add prices with tax: No
Show prices with tax: yes
Show prices on cart and checkout with tax: yes
I want to add all prices without taxes because all pricing calculations are done without tax…but as it is B2C I want to show the prices to the customer including tax.
In my understanding those settings should do exactly what I want them to do… but the price get’s always printed without Tax.
If I use the following function on the single template to print the prices they get printed with the tax included:
if ( function_exists( 'wc_get_price_including_tax' ) ) {
global $product;
$price_incl_tax = wc_get_price_including_tax( $product );
echo wc_price( $price_incl_tax );