Woocommerce Components


can i ask if for woocommerce, cwicly is able to allow editing cart/checkout/my account pages? will also be looking at thank you pages as well?

also therefore, 404 pages? im assuming that template is possible.

would people know if the plugin extra product addon fields such as

work with cwicly above add to cart button to add extra fields/options?

WooCommerce currently has templates for Cart and Checkout but not for My Account yet.

Yes, you can create/edit a 404 template with Cwicly.

If you use the legacy versions of the WooCommerce templates, this plugin should work fine. If you use the newer block templates, then it may not work,. This is not a Cwicly specific issue, it is based on the hooks and compatibility of the WooCommerce blocks.

If you have someone very experienced available, they can probably create compatibility between any plugin and the templates by utilising the advanced options that Cwicly provides.

The plan would be to have those product fields within the product page, and im hoping it adds it to the cart and checkout / order options so we know what was chosen then.

i use other product custom fild, have same problem.

if u use cart/checkout shortcode, will show custom field on cart/checkout page,
if use new cart/checkout block, will not show these,

I’m also looking for a solution.

did you solve it? bro