Woo Cart show Variation Name

Hey There,

in the WooCommerce Cart Context there is currently no possibility to show the name of the selected variation as it is for example shown in the Woo Checkout…

My Screenshot shows the summary of the checkout where the “Paket: ***” is the name of the variation

I would like to have here a similar option here to output the selected variation.

Now if the same product with different variations is in cart it shows up like this, which is a bit confusing for the user:


Hey there,

just wanted to double check if i’m probably missing something here.

I’m probably coding my own mini cart (since the default one from woo is a bit ugly and unflexible in my opinion) if that feature doesn’t exist yet, but I wanted to make sure before doing that, that I didn’t oversee anything here. Sorry for tagging you @Louis , but it would be a Time Saver if I’m overseeing something :smiley:


Hello @Wolfgang,

Have you given the Cart Item Variation repeater context a try?

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Hey @Louis ,

thank you soooo much, that seems to be exactly the thing I was looking for. Thanks a thousand times for taking the time and responding so fast. :heart:

I’m always overwhelmed by the amount of features cwicly has built in!!! :slight_smile:


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