Which tools do people use for backups?

Given all of our usage of Cwicly, which backup tools are the best to use?

I’m looking to provide backups for a client but would of course prefer to use tools that work well with Cwicly.

We have tested the “built-in” backups on multiple hosting environments with WordPress + Cwicly websites and have never had any issue so far.

SiteGround and Flywheel for example both work seamlessly with Cwicly for staging and backups.

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ah yes I’ve used siteground too, but in this case i’m looking for plugins on the platform itself? the hosting in question doesn’t offer any backups


I use WPvivid and I love it.
There’s an auto-migration mode which backups and uploads the file to the target site at the same time thanks to some generated key on target site.

Backups are immediate and a whole migration takes less than 5 minutes :slight_smile:

Everything is so customizable.

(They also offer image optimization, white label, roles settings, etc, which I don’t use.)


I use WPMU DEV for backup. So far I only restored one test site (I use it since about 6 months) though. This worked fine but thats the only backup experience I have so far^^

Nice thing is that you also get access to all their pro plugins like Smush.

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In the past we used UpdraftPlus for backups, even the free version was useful in some backup situations if you are restoring on the same platform on the same domain.

I think the final choice heavily depends on your specific requirements regarding storage locations and methods of restoration and certain considerations about the type of site (standard daily backups wouldn’t work well for an e-commerce site for example where order and customer information could potentially be lost).


thanks for all these answers guys! great. very helpful

Using updraft on latest version of cwicly and wordpress. no complaints. Have used it for a year on an older build and didn’t have any issues either.

I used WpVivid pro. Even free version is good. Backup is great and fast. Supports scheduling and remote backup. Can easily migrate using key


I just ask ChatGPT to back up all my websites. It doesn’t really give me any info on where it’s backing up to, but I trust it’s somewhere clever. Also, I’m only joking! But seriously… I’ve used Updraft in the past and it seemed to work well, but I find using your web hosts solution, if they have one, is usually the safest option. I’m using SiteGround’s built in backups and it’s always worked perfectly.

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