Which Calendar Plugin?

I just realized that The Events Calendar does not support block editors for the moment. So I was wondering what Calendar Plugins you guys use with Cwicly.

Also I have yet to find one Calendar Plugin that I actually like. All plugins I tried are barely usable in my opinion (regarding customizability – The Events Calendar is no exception here).

I also thought about just creating a CPT to create my own calendar. Is this something some of you do?


I go the CPT way for everything content-like, including events management. With Cwicly’s tools (ACF+queries+blocks), it is very fast and ultra customizable.

There’s no way you can reach this level of customization with a plugin, especially for demanding clients, and you save a tons of bloat and sooo much time in maintenance :wink: No more conflicts at update time, no more bug fixing or feature requests or discussions with plugin author…

As for an actual graphical calendar (displaying a whole month in row/columns with events in it), I always lead my client to something approaching, like a beautiful list or table, and it works all the time!

But I can understand there are use cases where the calendar format is really needed, so if I had to really develop it, I would use some random github PHP code to generate the table and I would try to include my stuff in it, or maybe reverse engineer the plugin which best fits my needs.
This with CSS should do the trick.

You might spend a lot of time on it, but then you can earn a lot with next clients :wink:


Hi @yankiara,

thanks for sharing!
I will now try to create a CPT Calendar. The Calendar Plugins really are a pain … Endless problems and countless hours wasted trying to customize these plugins.

Do you have some advice what to look out for? For example machine readable date and time format also regarding schema?

Hey @Jonas How died the Calendar Thing go? I am setting up my events and I need to create a calendar view as well.

Hi @ShannaKae,
the calendar turned out great! I’m now on the go but I’m happy to tell you in more detail how I realized this. I’m back Sunday.

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Great! Thank you so much I look forward to it! : )

Hi @ShannaKae,
I just read your response more carefully and realized you need to create a calendar view. Is that correct? Because I did not do that since a simple list view was enough in my case.

Hi @ShannaKae - I’m about to start work on a project which will need calendar capabilities, so I’m going to be using LatePoint (as I own an LTD). They have v 5.0 due out in the next few weeks which I am waiting for as it will have Events capabilities (currently just has appointments) plus various other updates and improvements. Other similar plugins that I have:

Amelia - works great if everything you need is there already. But it’s horrible to customise plus the devs are very slow to respond to requests. They seem to have their own roadmap and go that way only. So I’ve given up with Amelia.

Fluent Bookings - looks really nice so far, but it’s only recently been released so is lacking in features right now. Hence why I’m going the LatePoint route, as it feel it will give me the best chance to achieve what I need on the project.

Eventin - I own it and have tested it a few times. It’s horrible (in my opinion)

Also, one other interesting product - there is a new plugin soon to be developed called ‘WP Appointments’ (but it will also have event management according to the developer who has been very responsive to my questions). This is currently offering an unlimited LTD but there is not a beta demo to see yet. Which is why I’m holding back to see it first - but like I say, the conversations with the devs sound promising.

And finally - if you are not interested at all in bookings / events, and literally just need a simple calendar - then have a look at ‘Pie Calendar’. I don’t own it and have never used it, but it is made by 2 people with very solid reputations in the Wordpress world, so it should be worth a strong look if you need a calendar but have no requirement for bookings etc.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


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Thank you! ya I am using cpts for my calendar, and other custom automations for registering tickets, reminders etc… so i am just really looking for a visual way to display calendar items. I have heard from multiple people about Pie, I will check it out. I was also looking at Tailwind, looks like it might be a go option. Thans so much!

ok no worries thanks for trying! I think I am going to explore Pie. Since I have heard from multiple people about it.