When switching to free-form relative styles populate the field from the existing definitions

Currently when you have an existing set of relative styles defined and you edit using the free-form editor, the field is always empty.

It will be very useful, if you already have existing relative style definitions, to populate the field with these, so you can start editing from where you currently are.

Thank you!

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Hello @StrangeTech,

I did give this some thought and chose not to include it as it would suggest the same possibility when switching from free-form to the visual builder.

As you can imagine, free-form ā†’ visual is not something that can be considered as not all combinations can be recreated visually (i.e. the :pseudos and .blockclass free positioning).

Converting one way and not the other would prove to be inconsistent.

So this is not something that is planned, currently. Iā€™m always open to discussion.
Thanks for the request.


While I fully understand and respect the thought behind this, since the conversion can happen from visual to free-form predictably, this is a really useful feature that to enhance it.

While typing it in is not that much of a chore, for complex selectors, most people will probably find themselves copy/pasting in one way or another, which is an unnecessary redundancy.

Even if it is only the first time switching (i.e. if the input is empty, fill it with the existing visual builder values), that would be a massive time saver.