When moving a block in the Navigator the dragged block is not always aligned with cursor/drag preview


When dragging a block to move it in the Navigator, the dragged block does not always keep up with the movement of the cursor/drag preview box. The expected behaviour is that it will “stick” to the cursor more. This seems to happen when the cursor initially moves quickly upwards causing the block to be shifted inside/outside of a containing block. When this happens, the delta remains at this extended distance and does not snap back to the cursor for the duration of the drag.

Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet

Environment info

  • WordPress version: 6.4.2
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

I noticed the same behaviour. If I recall it correctly only in later Cwicly versions / 5

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Hi @StrangeTech,

Thank you for taking the time to report this!
And thank you @Xonbu.com for confirming this on your end.

Rest assured, we are aware of this bug and will have a fix as soon as possible.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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The issue has been already confirmed:

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Relatively minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but moving items around in the Navigator isn’t quite 100% bulletproof yet. See my screengrab below:


When containers are collapsed, it’s really difficult to move items in between. I have to get a bit creative.

Hey @owynter.

This issue has already been confirmed here.

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Thanks. Was just running and gunning when I made this.

No worries, same here sometimes :raised_hand:

Fixed by the Navigator enhancements in Cwicly 1.4.1:

So much cleaner and simpler when dragging with the new drag insertion indicator.

Thank you @Louis and the Cwicly team!

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