Weird behaviour with relative styles printing "undefined" in css rules

  • WordPress version: 6.4.1
  • Cwicly Plugin version:

Hey there,

I am experiencing a weird behaviour with relative Styles in the latest Version of Cwicly.

I have set the following rule:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-05 um 11.31.11

Which results in the following CSS Styles:

Not sure what’s going on here, tried to regenerate the CSS and re/create the styles again, but it results in the same CSS rules. Anyone else facing this?

Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-05 um 11.31.30



Hello @Wolfgang,

Thanks for the report.

I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this.
While I’m not able to reproduce this on my end, could you possibly update to to see if it might have been an issue with the previous update?

Look forward to your response.


Hey @Louis , thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately the problem still exists.

I have found another problem, with a different site using relative styles. This time in Combination with Components:

I’ve modified the styles of the gallery block using a relative style. However, those styles in the relative styles are gone now (empty controls) and whatever I type in for height the old value (from a few days ago) gets applied.

The second styles here with the font-size and height of 80px were the initial styles. However I wanted to change that height and it results now in duplicating the styles. As mentioned, the height of 80px is not shown in the controls.

I tried to regenerate everything and also tried to modify the css selector (added the .cc-gallery in between) but the modified rules also get applied to the “original version” of the styles. So the result is that 80px height always takes priority over the 60px height…

Bildschirmfoto 2023-12-06 um 15.18.15

I can provide you access to those two sites if you want to?


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Hello @Wolfgang,

Thanks once again for the report and access to the sites you provided.

The first issue should have been fixed in

The second one you were experiencing was because you had added pseudo styles to your relative style but hadn’t added the necessary :pseudos selector in the free-form rules.

If you still encounter trouble, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
