Visibility conditions for Repeater - is first item, is last item

We are attempting to output a simple comma separated list of authors from a repeater:

“Author One, Author Two.”
“Author One.”

We were thinking to use prefix or suffix in the dynamic inserter for the delimiters but these don’t appear to be able to be dynamically turned on and off.

So we thought of including a separate block containing the ", " and the “.” and only show these if the item is not the last and is the last respectively.

Because there are no visibility conditions based on index / item number / first / last, this isn’t possible yet, so we are requesting these to be added.

They will be extremely versatile and be useful for a number of different use cases.

If you know of an alternative way to achieve this with Cwicly, let me know.

Also, this feature request pairs well with:

Thank you!.

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For anyone interested, we settled on a solution using CSS:

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