Update Custom Icon Collection

During the development of a site it happens that I would like to add an icon to my custom icon collection.

Am I right with the assumption that I can delete my Icon Collection without affecting the icons that are already used on the page because they are inserted as SVG?

Hey there @Louis , I was just about to post something similar to what @Jonas is asking …

I appreciate being able to add my own custom icon collections but almost inevitably I will eventually need to add an icon to that collection. However, there is no easy way to just add an icon without uploading a whole new collection. What is the best way to do this? Upload a duplicate collection with the new icon and delete the old one? If I do this what will happen to all the icons I have already placed in my theme? Upload a new collection consisting of one icon and keep the original one as is?

As always, thanks so much for your time!

Hi @smontreuil,

On a test site I deleted my icon library and uploaded the updated one with the same name. As expected nothing happened. Also while the library was deleted all icons work fine since they are SVG code and no fonts.
So I think in theory you could delete your library once you are done building your website. But of cause I would recommend creating a backup before doing this.


Thanks so much for confirming that @Jonas