Unable to purchase license

Has anyone else ever experienced this? I’ve tried on both Chrome and Safari fyi.

See screen recording here: https://x.com/mktngacc/status/1734960198228250912?s=46

Hi @jayda,

not sure, but your screencast looks like the old design…

This is how it should look.

I have just tried it and it worked for me in Chrome.

Should not be the case, but maybe try a hard refresh F5?

Or restart your system… has helped me in some cases :thinking:

Here the direct link: Login - Cwicly


Hello @jayda,

Sorry to hear about this, my apologies for the inconvenience.

I took the liberty to activate your account as it doesn’t seem it had been.
Don’t hesitate to let me know if you still experience issues when trying to log in.


Amazing thanks @Louis I was able to purchase my licence! I’m sure I’ll be back with more questions soon! :grin: